Adrian Călăvie



Phone number: 40749855236


About Me

I am a master’s student at Transilvania Univeristy of Brașov. I am interested in algorithms, data structures and AI. You can see some of my past projects on my github profile.

My top skills are:

  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • OOP

I am most proficient in:

  • C++
  • Python
  • C#

In the past months, I’ve been dabbling with some Rust and Web Developement in my free time.


Siemens Digital Industries Software

Software Engineer (Associate)

April 2022 - Present

Currently working on a custom Jupyter MBSE solution leveraging React, Typescript and Python. Previously worked on a desktop MBSE Solution using C++, Qt & Python.

Siemens Digital Industries Software


October 2021 - April 2022

Working on my bachelor’s degree. The areas of R&D are DSP, concurrency and real-time changes.

Siemens Digital Industries Software


July 2021 - September 2021

I was an apprentice during the Curious Minds Summer School. I took courses on modern C++ and worked on a C# project.

General Magic


March 2021 - May 2021

Took a course named ‘Neural Networks in your Hands: Tensorflow on a Mobile’. I learned the basics of AI, ML and NN.



September 2020 - December 2020

Took a course named ‘Developing a Web App’. I learned about web apps and versioning systems.


Transilvania University of Brasov

Master's Degree, Internet Technologies

2022 - 2024

Transilvania University of Brasov is a public institution of higher education in Braşov, Romania, which through the education it offers, through scientific research and by the number of students represents one of the major universities of Romania.

Mainly focusing on web development and modern technologies, including AWS Cloud, Java Spring, IoT, and Networking.

Transilvania University of Brasov

Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science

2019 - 2022

Transilvania University of Brasov is a public institution of higher education in Braşov, Romania, which through the education it offers, through scientific research and by the number of students represents one of the major universities of Romania.

Here I took courses about Algorithms, Data Structures, Web, Android, Cloud and Programming Paradigms. Some languages I’ve learned are C, C++, C#, Java, Kotlin and Python.


🧩 Mosaic++

GitHub repo

This is my first 'big' project. I cooperated with other two colleagues on making this Modern C++ app.

Mosaic++ is a tool that produces photomosaics. It offers a range of options that have an effect on the final result. It can be used for entertainment purposes or be converted to an applicable tool in fields like image processing or mesh generation.

📈 Plotting Project

GitHub repo

This project helped me learn more about data plotting and QT.

A plotting project made with Qt and QCustomPlot. The purpose of the app is to generate graphs for various functions and to observe the steps taken by the algorithm in order to obtain the correct plotting.

🇱🇺 Luxembourg map traversal

GitHub repo

One of the homeworks at a Graph Theory course I took required us to compute the shortest path between two points on the map of Luxembourg. We were given the input data as a massive xml file consisting of nodes and edges and our task was to translate the latitude and longitude values into pixels on the screen, to plot them and let the user choose two points on the map, the points to be chosen would be the closest to where the mouse clicks. Also, we were required to implement both Dijkstra’s and Bellman-Ford’s algorithm.

🤖 AI puzzle solver

GitHub repo

This C++ code from 2019 solves the x-puzzle problem. I wrote it in my first year at University. The algorithm uses states to verify if the current puzzle is in ‘final’ form or not. It firstly checks if the game is solvable or not based on the information on this site. If it is solvable, it searches for the best move set(the one with the lowest number of moves that reaches a ‘final’ state) using A*.

A Little More About Me

Alongside my interests in computer science some of my other interests and hobbies are:

  • Climbing
  • Running
  • Gaming